Cute Puppy for Christmas?

dont buy animals puppies as presents this christmas festive season Ark Animal Centre plea

It is the festive season and all around South Africa and the world, people are getting into full swing of the holiday period. Lighter moods and happier faces as people do the last push until the Christmas break. Around this time is when we are deciding and thinking of presents for our loved ones. For those of you thinking of buying or adopting a puppy for yourself, a friend or relative….please read below and be 100% sure that is it the right decision for all involved. Your decisions now will determine in January whether or not the shelters become over populated with unwanted “Christmas puppies.”

First thing to consider – what is your reason for wanting to get a new puppy? Is it something you have been considering with the family for a while or is it because your son’s friend got a puppy last week and now he is demanding one? If you feel your reasons to adopt a puppy are valid, then you should continue reading… 🙂

Adding a new member to the family also requires the following:

1. Time: Puppies take and need a lot of time. From potty training to learning to walk on the lead, getting soclialised at the park, adjusting to the family life etc. Puppies grow up into dogs, who then can live for the next 15 years. Be sure you are aware of this fact, as getting a puppy is not a short term commitment.

2. Money: Puppies cost money. If you buy from a breeder chances are you will need to pay for the puppy, then pay for all 3 inoculations, the de-worming, rabies and of course sterilisation. If you adopt from a shelter there is a of fee around R800 which includes the above but you will require food every month.

3. Love: Puppies enjoy nothing more than to be loved. Have you considered what type of dog would suit your life and family for eg: are you an active, outdoor family that would enjoy a Jack Russell or Labrador or are you a calmer, indoor family who would enjoy a Poodle or Maltese type of lapdog? Any dog you get should be suitable to not only your lifestyle, but also to your surroundings. This is very important as the right dog for your lifestyle will be amazing, but the wrong dog will usually end up in a shelter after 6 months.

4. Responsibility: Who is going to be responsible for the new puppy? Who will ensure it is sterilised at 6 months, have all its vaccinations up to date, potty trains, spends time loving and playing with him/her, who will look after him/her when you are away etc. These are things that need to be discussed before bringing in a new addition to the family.

Other points to think about:

Why a Puppy? If your lifestyle really isn’t suitable for a puppy, why not consider adopting or fostering an older dog. There are many older dogs who have been trained, socialised, most of the time had all the vac’s and sterilisation and are looking for love. Something to consider for those who want a dog but not a puppy.

What about the holidays? Many people think because they go away on holiday once or twice a year they are not able to have a dog. This is not true. If you have animals and are going away to a not pet-friendly place there are many options you can utilize to look after your pet. You can book them into boarding kennels, or contact a pet sitter to visit the house twice a day, feed and walk your pets. Another option is to ask a family member to take care of them.

Anyone who has owned or owns a dog will agree with Anatole France “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” ♥

Having a dog will forever change the dynamics of a family. They become part of the family, the kids will talk about them for years after they have passed, they will teach your children to care for creatures who can’t speak for themselves, the will creep into the coldest of hearts and always have a special place there. They are amazing animals and when treated with love, kindness and respect, they truly are mans best friend.

SMS ‘Donate FOOD’ to 48949 & help us feed our rescued puppies!

make a difference sms campaign poster ark animal centre puppy rescue shelter jhb copy

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